Wednesday, 30 July 2014

HOLY FAMILY PARISH (Brgy. Handumanan, Bacolod City)


I. Holy Family Parish (F. 1985; E.P: 1993)
II. Address: Brgy. Handumanan, Bacolod City 6100
III. Feast Day: January 17
IV. Vicariate: Murcia
V. Parish Priest (as of March 2009): Fr. Romeo E. Empestan
VI. Chronology of Assigned Priests at Holy Family Parish (Brgy. Handumanan):
As Part of Community Area of a Private Chapel of Manayaosayao:
  1. Fr. Pacheco                                                     1979-1982
  2. Fr. Dumagat                                                    1982-1989
  3. Fr. Ben Villlanueva                                         1989
  4. Fr.
As Part of Community Area of Mansilingan Parish:
  1. Fr. Nadura                                                       1977- 1981
  2. Fr. Dediles                                                      1981-1988
      Chaplaincy (1990):
  1. Fr. Ben Villlanueva(Stayed at a house chapel was small yet) 1989-1991

  1. Fr. Abenir G. Pineda                         1991-1993…

Parish (December 1993):
  1. Fr. Abenir G. Pineda                         …Dec. 6, 1993-1995: was assigned as                                                           Parish Priest of La Carlota: Our Lady of                                                       Peace and Good Voyage, La Carlota                                                       City.    

  1. Msgr. Benjamine Villanueva             May 25, 1995-2000: was assigned as                                                             Vice-Rector of Sacred Heart Seminary,                                                          Lupit, BacolodCity.

  1. Fr. Alfonsito Arrojo                           2000-2002: was assigned as Parish                                                                Priest of Granada Parish: Our Lady of                                                          Lourdes Parísh, Brgy. Granada, Bacolod                                                      City.

  1. Fr. Belarmino Obordo                      Oct. 2002-2005: was assigned as                                                                   parish priest of Sum-ag: St. John                                                                    Nepumoceno Parish, Brgy. Sum-ag,                                                                         Bacolod City.
  1. Fr. Romeo E. Empestan                    2005- as of April 2009.

VIII.       Religious vocations of men and women from San Sebastian Parish:
                        Fr. Christopher Cadiz-Entrata


            In 1974 a Relocation Site for the informal settlers of reclamation Area was established in this area of Brgy. Mansilingan. The spiritual upkeep of the Catholics of the place was provided by the priests assigned at the Mansilingan Chaplaincy then. Fr. Nadura and Fr. Dediles were two of the few priests who celebrated Mass here on Sundays.

            In 1979, Fr. Rodolfo Pacheco was requested to take over the celebration of the Eucharist since he was assigned at Manayaosayao. His visits to the homes of the congregation led to the construction of a humble chapel for the people which was initiated by Mrs. Remedios Garcia, the mother of the former Vice-Mayor Chick Garcia. The humble chapel then was dedicated to Sagrada Familia. Fr. Dominador Dumagat took over  from Fr. Pacheco the spiritual shepherding of the meagre congregation. In 1982.

The Phenomenological Church

            1989-1990. It was only in 1989 that a permanent priest was assigned in the abandoned chaplaincy through the person of a humble Hinigaranon, Fr. Benjamin Villanueva. His simplicity did not deter him from facing the challenge head on when he rented a house near the convent instead of complaining because of the absence of it. He gathered and instructed the congregation of their spiritual and pastoral obligations beginning with the probable leaders who were already making their presence in the vicinity of the infant church.  His pastoral sojourn was cut short when the Sacred Heart Seminary administration persuaded the Bishop to have the good father be part of the seminary formators.

            1991-2000. That was the circumstance which led to the assignment to the Chaplaincy of a high-spirited musician, Fr. Abenir Pineda in April of 1991. Fr. Abe, initiated the construction of a bigger house of worship through the philanthropy of Mr. Ramon Manaloto, a Bacolodnon who had migrated to Manila. But the congregation shared also their time, talent, skill and material capacities in the total assemblage of the church.

            The Chaplaincy of Handumanan was canonically erected as a parish in 1993 by Bishop Camilo Gregorio, D.D. and its first parish priest was Fr. Abenir Pineda. On June 5, 1995 Fr. Ben Villanueva was re-assigned back to Handumanan but this time he was given the honorary title of Msgr. Ben. Immediately the unassuming monsignor went back to his educating the church workers in their spiritual and pastoral obligations. He trained well the catechists and recollections were scheduled and realized. The industrious priest who often mistaken as a gardener when he was into his hobby of weeding grass around the church vicinity succeeded in putting up a concrete wall of the church and the insulation of the roof.

            On April 29, 2000,  Fr. Alfonsito T. Arrojo was assigned as the third parish priest of Handumanan parish. He was responsible for the construction of the two latrine rooms for men and women for the convenience of the church goers. These latrine rooms were installed with water pipes from the newly acquired pressure tank for hygienic reason.  Mrs. Rening Sayson assisted in the construction of a Retreat House in Brgy. Felisa.

            2001-2009.  On July 19, 2001 Bishop Navarra, D.D. was installed bishop and he thought it wise to have a general reshuffling which was agreed upon by the priests
 of the diocese. That was the context of Fr. Belarmino Rene
Obordo’s immediate assignment  on October 18, 2002 and the end of Fr. Pons’ short lived ministry in Handumanan.  He finished the construction of the new convent that was started by Fr. Arrojo on December 29, 2002.
            In 2005, an essayist cleric was assigned in Handumanan parish in the person of Fr. Romeo Empestan.   As usual the immense organizational experience of Fr. Pare was put into better use in a community composed of mostly former informal settlers. Under his supervision the area communities were given dignity and responsibility in the parish organizational structure. His parish is the only one with a clear and understandable primer on the concept behind modified-tithing. Every Sunday during Mass the amount contributed by the community areas are reported by the Parish Finance Council President.  The parish community has a continuing program of education for the youth and the entire family.  The rights of individuals are given emphasis without forgetting their obligations.  The education aspect also take consideration of the parishioners strength when they are united in one cause.

The Church of the Poor

            The establishment itself of this parish community is an obvious manifestation of the church of the poor.  Because this church community never does discriminate any believer who wishes to become part of the community of God’s chosen ones.  The sacrifices of the priests who had been assigned here to establish the now respectable parish community further manifests the Catholic Church’s essential and serious concern for the church as that of the poor – with preferential option for the poor.


      A. Primary Sources
      A.1.  Unpublished Documents:
      1. Baptismal Records of Holy Family Parish from:

            A.2.  Interviews:

            1. Fr. Christopher Entrata at the
            2. Fr. Romeo Empestan at the Holy Family Parish Church on March 8, 2009.              Fr. Empestan has been  the Parish Priest of Handumanan Parish until today     (April 2009).

            3. Fr. Elmer Poniado
            4. Mr. Bernaldo Eres

            `B. Secondary Sources:

            B.1. Books:
            1. Romero, Ma. Fe Hernaez. Negros Occidental Between Two Powers (1888-                                                         1909). Negros Occidental Historical                                                                          Commission, Bacolod City, 1974.

            B.2. Memoirs and Articles:
            1. Handurawan, 2006
            2. 2008 Catholic Directory of the Diocese of Bacolod

            C. Websites:
            1. Diocese of Bacolod website:

      A. Primary Sources
      A.1.  Unpublished Documents:

      1. Books of Baptismal Records of San Sebastian Parish from:
      2. Books Marriage Records of San Sebastian Parish from:
      3. Books of Death Records San Sebastian Parish from:
      4. Books of Appointments of Priests of the Diocese of Bacolod
      5.  Books of Profile of Priests of the Diocese of Bacolod

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